O Nata Lux update + 2023 prognostication

Hello hello! You might have noticed a few weeks ago I put out a new game except yikes it wasn't really playable yet! Well it's been a few weeks and looks much the same, so where are we at with that? 

Close! We are close! It's been a busy few weeks for me and I haven't had the time or energy to devote to this game since the initial "release." But I have good news! Almost all the Hymnals are complete and I only have two small sections left to write and this game will be done! Well..."done."

Full disclosure! With the exception of Oh Captain, Who's Captain, I haven't playtested any of my games. I knowwww.  Usually this is because I create them as part of game jams and just don't have time to coordinate playtests in the time frame I need to make the game. 

That being said, I have two goals going into the new year.

 One: make more games! I love making these oddball games and have a whole bunch on the back burner I'm excited to get to. But they're a little more extensive than these tiny babies, so they take me more time. But I hope to release the two games I'm most excited about next year, a pirate game I've had in the works since this time last year, and the game that started it all, Truckstop Apocalypse.

Two: I want to playtests the games I've already made. I feel incredibly shy and awkward asking people to playtest, so it's time to stop being that so I can make better games. Can't improve without feedback, especially since I'm just making this up as I go along. So keep an eye out for updates to old games in the coming months, and if there's one you want to see updated, or if you've played one and have feedback, hit me up! I'd say on Twitter, but well.... So leave a comment on itch I guess haha. 

So that's what is going on at Efarrisgames! Rumor has it Itch has a blog feature that's different from devlogs. Maybe I'll use it in the future as Twitter does what it does. Excited to keep making games and thanks as always for checking them out! It means a lot to me!

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