Holy new releases, Batman!

Well it's been a hot minute (or several) since my last releases in...checks calendar, March, but I am back at it with two new games (and three more on the way). The first of course, is Baba Yaga's Hut's Babies which is my current beloved game.

I have been describing it as Muppet Babies meets Untitled Goose Game but make it folklore and those were in fact my main touchstones when putting this together. You may notice that the game doesn't really have a lot of consequences for failure. In fact, most failures give you a better chance at success later and most of the GM "consequences" are also just ways to help you do better next time. This is going back to the Muppet Babies and their generally low-stakes adventures. I grew up reading Muppet Baby and Fraggle Rock books (yes they also had books) and always appreciated that they couldn't ever really get "in trouble" and if they did, it was always balanced out in some way. As a kid who hated getting in trouble, or even watching other people get in trouble, this was so nice for me.

Now, I love a good ttrpg consequence as much as the next gay, but sometimes it's nice to just have a cozy, low -stakes time where your efforts are always rewarded, even if you fail.

After all, we're all always still learning, growing. Failure can be legitimately frightening, especially as adults who often have high stakes for failing.  As someone who highly suspects she has ADHD, failure is both the most dreadful consequence possible and also my daily experience. Failed to do the dishes. Failed to brush my teeth. Failed to get a document out on time. You just have to learn to give yourself grace to try again next time. Give yourself a restart, and get back up.

But enough about me, fun fact time! This was supposed to be for the 1 page game jam but I fully forgot that's what I was doing and now have to write something else for that jam. Oops. 

As for Dumisa's Guide to Birding, that is only partially done! I am using the term ashcan, maybe incorrectly, but that's what we're going with. I ran out of time to properly implement the other half of the game, so left it at just the bird competition, still totally playable as is! But if you noticed some ominous mentions within the game, rest assured that is leading up to a delightful twist on the game. And yes, the final version will have more Dumi doodles, I promise.

That's all for this devlog! Next on the docket is the 2023 1 Page RPG Jam, so I am in the midst of that project (I'll give you a hint. Wizard of Oz, tarot cards), and then I have the Sentinel Jam at the end of August (solo game, possessed swords). And if I have time between those, I hope to release both Shot, Chaser (horror game about surviving the night from a terrible beast) and my untitled horse girl game (overcome this massive obstacle against all odds! Bond with a horse!)

And that's not counting what's coming in October. I won't say much on that yet, but let's just say I'm revisiting one of my spooky games and it is getting an incredible facelift...and a friend.

Thanks as always for your support and I hope you enjoy the games! Should I get a catchphrase??

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